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  • 12 Jun 2024
    119 pages
    Provider Compendium
    In today’s competitive industry landscape, technology is vital in the product engineering domain to deliver superior customer experiences. To meet customer needs and develop connected, smart, and autonomous products, enterprises are investing in gen…
  • 11 Jun 2024
    16 pages
    Enterprises are recognizing the increased need of customer centricity, with reduced costs and improve efficiency. Banks and insurers are striving to customers’ expectations of personalized sales & marketing and service experience. These evolving need…
  • 11 Jun 2024
    23 pages
    Generative AI might be the first disruptor to spring to mind in 2024, but there are other seismic trends at play that are affecting industries worldwide. Fundamental shifts are developing, brought on by the evolving role of captives, changes in talen…
  • 10 Jun 2024
    14 pages
    Market Report
    Everest Group’s Location Spotlight reports provide a crisp, insightful assessment of established and emerging/next-wave global services delivery locations by country and city. The reports help global sourcing practitioners or location strategy profes…
  • 10 Jun 2024
    31 pages
    Market Report
    In the dynamic healthcare landscape, efficient claims management is vital. Traditionally, the claims management process relies on manual efforts and human judgment. Today, advanced analytics allow healthcare payers to optimize costs, reduce fraudulen…