Navigating Economic, Geopolitical, and Regulatory Uncertainty in the Life Sciences Industry
Market Report

6 Apr 2023
by Gokul Janardhan, Abhishek AK

The life sciences industry has always been resilient against global macroeconomic, geopolitical, and regulatory changes. With the onset of COVID-19 and the spiraling demand for vaccines, the clinical trials and R&D spend of top biopharmas have been bullish. Enterprises have adopted innovative ways of conducting clinical trials (such as decentralized clinical trials). The regulators have also evolved with the changing times by adopting virtual/hybrid audits to meet the demand for daily doses.

The latest macroeconomic trends such as rising inflation and high interest rates have had a significant impact on the life sciences industry. The ongoing Russia-Ukraine war has compounded recessionary concerns. The US, in particular, faces further tests with the implementation of Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Additionally, the pharmaceutical industry is expected to lose billions in the coming years due to impending patent cliffs.


Industry: life sciences BPS

Geography: global


This report provides a detailed analysis life sciences landscape and includes:

  • The deteriorating global macro-economic trends and the impact on the life sciences industry
  • Expected impact of the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war
  • The impact of IRA and patent cliffs
  • The implications for the life sciences industry


Life Sciences Business Process

Sourcing and Vendor Management


Page Count: 27