Trust and Safety Services – Provider Compendium 2024
Provider Compendium

17 May 2024
by David Rickard, Abhijnan Dasgupta, Abhishek Sengupta, Dhruv Khosla, Shubhali Jain, Tushar Pathela, Sarvesh Shaw, Rashi Garg

The Trust and Safety (T&S) industry has changed significantly, driven by the increasing volumes and diversity of content formats, the dynamic regulatory landscape online, and the need for nuanced regional content moderation services. As a result, the demand for data annotation and AI support services has grown as enterprises continue to explore using generative AI for content creation and moderation.

This compendium provides accurate, comprehensive, and fact-based snapshots of 27 T&S service providers. Each profile offers a detailed overview of the provider’s scale of operations, recent developments and investments, T&S-specific technology solutions (including generative AI solutions), other technology capabilities, well-being initiatives, and delivery locations. The research enables buyers of T&S services to understand providers’ offerings and assess their capabilities.


All industries and geographies


This report features 27 T&S service provider profiles and includes:

  • Services overview: key leaders, revenue, FTEs, and number of clients
  • Delivery locations: details of key delivery locations worldwide
  • Client portfolio: major clients and recently announced contracts, as well as T&S revenue split by geography, segment, and industry and client split by buyer size
  • Technology solutions: brief descriptions of key technology solutions, including generative AI solutions


Trust and Safety

Outsourcing Excellence/a>


Page Count: 178