Optimizing Clinical Development RoI: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities in Patient Recruitment
Market Report

20 Jun 2024
by Abhishek AK, Nisarg Shah, Gokul Janardhan

Patient recruitment is a complex and dynamic part of clinical trial management, requiring proactive strategies, collaborations, and innovation to overcome challenges and achieve enrollment targets. Patient recruitment is vital for clinical trials, yet it presents challenges that impact study timelines, costs, and overall success. By adopting patient-centric approaches, using technology, and fostering collaborations across stakeholders, organizations can enhance recruitment efficiencies and accelerate study timelines, ultimately introducing new treatments to market faster for patients’ benefit worldwide.

Patient recruitment in clinical trials will evolve due to technology advances, changing regulatory landscapes, and dynamic patient expectations. Outsourcing patient recruitment to specialized firms offers enterprises and Contract Research Organizations (CROs) opportunities to use expertise, scalability, and flexibility in navigating enrollment complexities.

In this report, we examine the patient recruitment landscape, including the challenges that sponsors face. The report also assesses the current state of the supplier ecosystem and explores technology’s role in solving major challenges in patient recruitment.


  • Industry: life sciences
  • Geography: global
  • Services: life sciences BPS, life sciences ITS, and clinical development technology


In this report, we:

  • Examine the patient recruitment landscape, including the challenges that sponsors face
  • The report also assesses the current state of the supplier ecosystem and explores technology’s role in solving major challenges in patient recruitment


Life Sciences Business Process

Sourcing and Vendor Management


Page Count: 36