Maximizing Customer Experience (CX): Unleashing the Power of Generative AI for Value Creation

3 Oct 2024
by David Rickard, Chhandak Biswas, Samreena GC, Rishav Kumar

Generative AI is revolutionizing how businesses deliver personalized interactions, streamline processes, and achieve cost efficiency within Customer Experience Management (CXM). Drawing on insights from over 120 senior Customer Experience (CX) executives across various industries, this report outlines how organizations are integrating generative AI to optimize contact center operations and achieve faster issue resolution. Generative AI adoption’s key drivers include enhanced efficiency and substantial cost savings, though challenges such as data privacy and leadership alignment need to be addressed for successful adoption. This report also recommends successful implementation best practices, including prioritizing data security, securing executive buy-in, and deploying AI incrementally to minimize risk.

Third-party providers play a vital role in navigating AI integration’s complexities, offering specialized expertise, advanced technology, and scalability. This report combines survey results with Everest Group’s research and expertise to provide data-driven insights for CXM leaders aiming to leverage generative AI for innovation and personalized CXs.


  • Services: CXM and CX excellence
  • All industries and geographies


In this report, we:

  • Various generative AI applications’ current understanding levels and perceived potentials among enterprises
  • Generative AI adoption’s key drivers
  • Generative AI’s applicability and use cases in CXM
  • Adoption challenges and remedial measures
  • Third-party providers’ roles in navigating AI integration’s complexities


Customer Experience Management (CXM) Services, including Contact Center Outsourcing

CX Excellence

CXM Technology

Sourcing and Vendor Management


Page Count: 15