Trailblazing through Transformation

15 Dec 2023
by Nisha Krishan, Arun Prateek, Vaani Sharma

As the technology landscape continues to evolve, the pressure on enterprises to transform and maintain a competitive edge has intensified. Transformation has emerged as a key focus area for enterprises, facilitating the development of new products and services, enhancing operational efficiency, and fostering transformative business models.

While transformation is often perceived as disruptive, we advocate for an incremental approach, transforming in simpler ways with measured, single steps. This approach ensures a consistent commitment to transformation and yields compounded long-term benefits. Recognizing that enterprises aspire to transform without diverting focus from their core business and customers, many have embraced partner-led transformation facilitated by transformation hubs.

In this viewpoint, we define transformation from an enterprise perspective, discuss the barriers to transformation, emphasize the importance of incremental transformation, and provide notable enterprise transformation examples. We also outline the reasons for enterprise adoption of partner-led transformation model, introduce transformation hubs and their vital role in spearheading transformation, and conclude with a comprehensive guide for enterprises to harness the potential of transformation hubs.


All industries and geographies


In this report, we:

  • Define transformation from an enterprise perspective and discuss the barriers to transformation
  • Examine the importance of incremental transformation for enterprises
  • Outline the reasons driving enterprises to embrace the partner-led transformation model
  • Introduce transformation hubs and discuss their vital role in spearheading transformation
  • Offer a comprehensive guide for enterprises to harness the potential of transformation hubs


Interactive Experience (IX) Services

Sourcing and Vendor Management


Page Count: 15