Revenue Cycle Management Platforms – Provider Compendium 2023
Provider Compendium Report

20 Dec 2022
by Chunky Satija, Priya Sahni, Amala Varsheni KK

Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) platforms facilitate the management of administrative and clinical functions, such as claims processing, payment, and revenue generation, for healthcare facilities. Healthcare organizations are increasingly evaluating RCM platform providers based on the IT infrastructure and technical support they provide. End-to-end RCM solutions are becoming commonplace as more providers try to consolidate RCM services.

In this compendium, we provide detailed and fact-based snapshots of 15 technology providers featured on the RCM Products PEAK Matrix® and classify them as Leaders, Major Contenders, and Aspirants based on their market impact and vision & capability. Each provider profile presents a comprehensive picture of the provider’s product focus, key Intellectual Property (IP) / solutions, domain investments, and case studies.


  • Industry: healthcare
  • Offering: RCM platforms
  • Geography: US
  • The assessment is based on Everest Group’s annual RFI process for the calendar year 2022, interactions with leading RCM providers, client reference checks, and an ongoing analysis of the RCM products market


In this report, we assess:

  • Market trends for RCM platforms
  • Fifteen RCM platform providers on capability- and market success-related parameters
  • Enterprise sourcing considerations, highlighting the strengths and limitations of each RCM platform provider


Healthcare Payer and Provider Information Technology

Sourcing and Vendor Management


Page Count: 102