Global Locations State of the Market 2022 – Key Trends Shaping the Landscape

State of the Market Report

The global services market grew significantly in 2021 and 2022 across geographies driven by factors such as strong post-pandemic recovery, increased demand for value-added and digital services, and higher enterprise offshoring/nearshoring. However, global macroeconomic conditions and the impending recession could slow down the market’s growth momentum in 2023 (vis-à-vis 2022 and 2021).

The Global Locations State of the Market Report 2022 analyzes the global services locations landscape and interprets locations-related developments and trends to design a best-fit locations portfolio strategy. The broader report has three parts – Key Trends Shaping the Landscape, Risk Watch and Locations PEAK Matrix®. It provides a comprehensive overview of the market size and growth, global services exports by region and country, locations activity by region and country, and key trends affecting global locations (changes in investment environment, key developments across the world, and changes in exposure to various risks). The report also provides industry-leading comparison and analysis of key changes in the maturity, arbitrage, stability, and potential of global delivery locations (cities) through our PEAK Matrix® assessment of locations.


  • Industry: global services
  • Geography: global


This report studies headcount and revenue growth trends at a global services market and geographic/regional level. It also provides a breakdown of new center setups by geography/region and functions performed (such as IT application development and maintenance, IT infrastructure, engineering and R&D, contact center, non-voice business services) among other parameters.

The report includes the following topics:

  • Key trends shaping the global locations landscape
  • Geography-specific trends across offshore/nearshore locations
  • Onshore parameters of global services delivery
  • Key trends for enterprise locations/workforce strategy


Locations Insider™

Sourcing and Vendor Management