Multi-country Payroll (MCP) Solutions – Service Provider Compendium 2023
Provider Compendium Report

10 Nov 2022
by Priyanka Mitra, Aman Chaurasia, Samarth Kapur, Varun Madan

The Multi-country Payroll (MCP) solutions market has expanded rapidly over the last few years. Enterprises with global operations are recognizing the need to standardize their payroll functions and are looking for providers that can help them remain compliant and improve the entire payroll stakeholder experience.

The Multi-country Payroll (MCP) Solutions Provider Profile Compendium is a companion to Everest Group’s latest study Multi-country Payroll (MCP) Solutions PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2022. In this research, we provide comprehensive and detailed profiles of 24 MCP solutions providers, covering the providers’ delivery capabilities, market strategies, key organizational developments, delivery footprints, and client portfolios across countries, industries, and buyer sizes.

The compendium will enable providers to benchmark their capabilities against their peers, while buyers of MCP will be able to assess the providers based on the desired set of capabilities.


All industries and geographies


In this research, we analyze MCP solutions providers across the following dimensions:

  • Service capability and strategy: includes company overview, leadership, MCP functional capabilities across geographies, partnerships, key MCP-related developments, technology solutions, and the spread of MCP FTEs globally
  • Client portfolio: includes the total number of clients and pay slips processed, major clients, split of pay slips by geography, and client split by countries in scope, industry, and buyer size
  • Country coverage: lists the countries covered by the provider on its own and through in-country partners
  • Everest Group assessment: includes provider’s position on Everest Group’s PEAK Matrix®, along with its market share and delivery capabilities


Human Resources

Sourcing and Vendor Management


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