Engineering Services Enterprise Pulse: Are Engineering Enterprises Truly Happy with Their Service Providers?
Thematic Report

14 Apr 2021
by Akshat Vaid, Mayank Maria, Nishant Udupa

The rapid pace of innovation in engineering has made enterprises increasingly dependent on service providers. Capitalizing on this reliance, vendors are developing offerings that can help them play a critical role in the product engineering value chain by filling capability gaps, augmenting staff, reducing time-to-market, and bringing in new technologies. Given the vital role that vendors are playing in product engineering, it is important to understand how satisfied engineering enterprises are with the service providers they engage with. Everest Group’s first Engineering Services Enterprise Pulse study analyzes enterprise expectations and satisfaction levels vis-à-vis service providers.

The findings in this report are based on insights from 134 unique interviews with enterprises that were nominated as references by the 32 global engineering service providers assessed in this report. The study summarizes enterprises’ views on their service providers’ capabilities across the key engineering domains of software product engineering, semiconductor engineering, Industry 4.0 engineering, and verification & validation engineering, and lays out their expectations from engineering vendors. The report also captures quantitative and qualitative insights across multiple assessment parameters and enterprise perspectives on individual service providers.


Research area: engineering services

All industries and geographies


This report studies:

  • Engineering enterprises’ overall satisfaction with their service providers
  • Enterprises’ satisfaction levels across geographies and key engineering domains
  • Enterprise perspectives on individual service providers
  • Enterprise expectations from service providers


Engineering Services

Sourcing and Vendor Management


Page Count: 37