Multi-Process Human Resources Outsourcing (MPHRO) – Service Provider Landscape with PEAK Matrix™ Assessment 2017
28 Sep 2017
Anil Vijayan, Priyanka Mitra, Rajesh Ranjan
The MPHRO service provider landscape continues to be dominated by the top five providers - Accenture, ADP, Alight Solutions, IBM, and NGA Human Resources, in terms of market success and delivery capability. However, other players are also reshaping their value proposition and bringing in innovative solutions to cater to the market demand. There is an increased focus on new-age technologies such as cloud, analytics and Service Delivery Automation (SDA). Majority of the providers are exploring or are planning to explore rapidly growing markets such as the Asia Pacific region. There is also a shift in focus from the large market segment in the developed economies toward the mid-market segment
In this research, we analyze the global MPHRO market across the following dimensions:
- Relative positioning of 22 service providers on the Everest Group PEAK Matrix for MPHRO
- Key strengths and development areas for service providers
Scope of analysis

This report examines the dynamics of the Multi-Process Human Resources Outsourcing (MPHRO) service provider landscape. It provides a deep-dive analysis of how the service providers shape up in terms of their market success and delivery capability. Based on the comprehensive Everest Group PEAK Matrix, 22 MPHRO service providers are segmented into Leaders, Major Contenders, and Aspirants.
Everest Group has a complimentary four-page PEAK Matrix preview document for this service provider landscape report.
Human Resources Outsourcing (HRO)
- MPHRO deals in which a minimum of three HR processes are included
- Deals where buyer employee size is 3,000 or more
- All geographies and industries
- Everest Group has classified 22 MPHRO service providers on the Everest Group Performance | Experience | Ability | Knowledge (PEAK) Matrix into
- Leaders: Accenture, ADP, Alight Solutions, IBM, and NGA Human Resources
- Major Contenders: Ascender, Capgemini, Capita, CGI, Conduent, DXC Technology, Hexaware, Infosys, Neeyamo, OneSource Virtual, TCS, Toutatis, Wipro, WNS, and Zalaris
- Aspirants: Intelenet and MHR
- Accenture, Capgemini, Neeyamo, and OneSourceVirtual have been identified as Star Performers on the MPHRO PEAK Matrix
- Additionally, this report also contains Everest Group’s remarks on each of the 22 MPHRO service provider’ strengths and areas of improvement
Page Count: 57
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