Webinar Deck: The Business Case for Impact Sourcing

7 Oct 2014

Impact sourcing (IS) is a business process service delivery model that provides quality and cost at parity with traditional BPO services, but with optimized enhancements such as:

  • A qualified, trained, untapped talent pool with skillsets aligned to match client needs,
  • Lower attrition rates and higher corresponding levels of employee engagement, and
  • Opportunities to fulfil corporate social responsibility and diversity objectives while operating within a traditional BPO framework

The Rockefeller Foundation is aiding the development of the impact sourcing market to help connect high potential but disadvantaged individuals to job opportunities in the services sector. Impact sourcing is a win-win opportunity that not only offers value for business, but also provides an opportunity for individuals to improve their lives, the lives of their families, and communities. As part of this initiative, the Foundation supported Everest Group to conduct a study to substantiate the business case for impact sourcing and profile its current market landscape.

On October 7, we held a one-hour webinar to learn more about the business and social benefits of impact sourcing and how you can integrate impact sourcing into your service delivery portfolio. We presented findings of the research based on 60+ in-depth interviews with organizations that are currently utilizing impact sourcing; and our panel of impact sourcing practitioners addressed the following questions:

  • Why impact sourcing?
  • What services are best for impact sourcing?
  • Which locations offer attractive opportunities for impact sourcing?
  • What is the experience with impact sourcing?
  • How can other organizations do impact sourcing?

Our Panelists on the webinar were:

  • Mamadou Biteye, Managing director, Africa – The Rockefeller Foundation
  • Tim Hopper, Responsible Sourcing Manager – Microsoft Corporation
  • Mark Pfeiffer, Executive Vice President – Teleperformance
  • Jeremy Hockenstein, Co-Founder and CEO – Digital Divide Data
  • Eric Simonson, Managing Partner, Research – Everest Group
  • Shyan Mukerjee, Vice President, Global Sourcing – Everest Group



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