Top GBS Employers™ in India, the Philippines, and Poland – 2024
Market Report
8 Jul 2024
Rohitashwa Aggarwal, Nikhil Malhotra, Shivangee Kumar
Amid transitioning from economic challenges such as slowdowns and layoffs to a revitalized
landscape marked by fierce competition for top talent, maintaining a positive brand image is vital to
attract and retain high-quality talent. In an era where specialized functional and behavioral skills are
more essential than ever, the quest to attract and retain exceptional talent has become paramount
for organizations. Talent is the key differentiating factor, and Global Business Services (GBS)
employers need a multipronged approach to build, maintain, and strengthen their employer brand
perception in local markets.
In its latest iteration, the Top GBS Employers™ research analyzes over 380 leading GBS
employers’ employer brand perception across India, the Philippines, and Poland. The analysis
covers multiple dimensions: compensation and benefits, work environment, office ecosystem, work-
life balance, hybrid work policies, culture and values, leadership, career development, and diversity
and inclusion.
Leading global GBS employers can leverage these insights, in addition to Everest Group’s talent
performance framework, to optimize their talent management strategies and build future-proof talent
models. This analysis, based on publicly available information, captures prospective employees’
perceptions about top GBS employers and reflects market trends as of H1 2024. We will continue to
track this market and refresh this assessment annually.
- All industries
- Geography: India, the Philippines, and Poland
- Sources: This analysis is based on various publicly available data sources such as global,
regional, and local employee forums, job posting websites, social media, professional
media, and Everest Group (2024) analysis
- Research methodology: This analysis is not a survey- or interview-based research of
employees / target candidates
- Use this analysis to validate and/or identify gaps in your internal pulse surveys, compare
it with your external branding strategy to see what is working and what is not, and
leverage this independent outside-in assessment in your branding initiatives
In this report, we examine:
- How different employee value proposition drivers, such as compensation and benefits,
work environment, work flexibility, remote work, work culture, career development, and
diversity and inclusion, impact overall employer brand perception and perceived success
in the talent market
- Which GBS employers are perceived as more favorable based on an outside-in employer
brand perception assessment
- Key factors that enable top GBS employers in India, the Philippines, and Poland to
establish a distinctive employer brand
- Trends in employer brand perception and factors affecting employer brand perception
across different industry segments
- YoY trends in GBS employers’ employer brand perception
GBS/SS Talent Excellence
IT Talent Excellence
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