Exponential Technology Radar 2023 – Navigating the Future with Blockchain, Metaverse, and Digital Twin
State of the Market Report

25 Sep 2023
by Suseel Menon, Parul Trivedi, Hemant Agrawal, Sandeep Pattathil, Krishna Zawar

In today’s rapidly evolving technology landscape, enterprises must invest in cutting-edge technologies such as blockchain, digital twins, and the metaverse to secure their competitive edge and future success.

In this report, we analyze these emerging technologies and examine the current market landscape. The report explores how enterprises are harnessing the potential of these technologies to future-proof their businesses and serves as an invaluable guide for decision-makers and strategists, offering insights into the current market status, growth potential, and practical applications of these technologies. Furthermore, it highlights real-world examples of how top enterprises are gaining a competitive advantage by adopting these technologies.

By providing essential knowledge and strategic guidance, this report empowers businesses to adapt effectively to technological shifts and make well-informed decisions as they chart their course into the future. For those at the helm of decision-making, this report is an indispensable resource for navigating the evolving technological landscape and ensuring that their organizations remain at the forefront of innovation.


All industries and geographies


In this report, we examine:

  • The significance of addressing present-day problems using future technologies
  • Phased radar approach for industry-specific prioritization of technology investments
  • Aligning organizational structures and resources with the development of exponential technologies based on their maturity level
  • Considerations for senior leaders as they navigate the landscape of exponential technologies


Digital Services

Sourcing and Vendor Management


Page Count: 64