In recent years, the Multi-country Payroll (MCP) solutions market has expanded steadily. The payroll function is transforming from a transactional to a strategic role, moving beyond traditional expectations of cost optimization to enhance employee experience. As a result, enterprises are actively seeking providers that can offer them comprehensive solutions rather than just payroll services. Providers are investing to improve the user experience for employees and managers while expanding their service offerings.
In this report, we analyze the MCP solutions market, focusing on key growth drivers, buyer adoption trends, and provider investments. The analysis is based on Everest Group’s annual RFI process for the calendar year 2023 (refer to the MCP Solutions PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2023 report for a detailed provider assessment), interactions with leading MCP solutions providers, client reference checks, and an ongoing analysis of the MCP market.
Industry: MCP solutions
Geography: global
The assessment is based on Everest Group’s annual RFI process for the calendar year 2023, interactions with leading MCP solutions providers, client reference checks, and an ongoing analysis of the MCP solutions market
In this report, we analyze:
Study the current state of the MCP solutions market
Examine buyer feedback, challenges, and provider performance
Review the MCP investment themes and provider landscape
Discuss the MCP market size, adoption trends, and solution characteristics
In the current landscape marked by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity, enterprises are consistently seeking ways to optimize operational efficiency. Challenges such as talent scarcity, inflation, economic instability, and geopolitical…