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The recent years have been volatile for the talent market due to global uncertainty caused by the pandemic and ensuing recession, leading to job cuts, furloughs, and hiring freezes. Additionally, rapid changes in the talent markets are making it difficult to find the right talent with the desired skills at the right price.
As talent is an organization’s most vital asset for sustained success and overall stability, it is essential to resolve these challenges: talent acquisition and management must be among the most important considerations for any enterprise. In this dynamically changing landscape, developing agile and robust talent acquisition practices is key to thriving, even in times of economic uncertainty and volatility.
To identify the best recruiting strategies, we recently conducted a survey to understand the capability maturity and outcomes of enterprises’ Talent Acquisition (TA) programs and identified Pinnacle Enterprises™, which are the best-in-class companies in the space. The journeys of these companies provide insights into how effectively enterprises can leverage their TA programs to achieve desired outcomes. Whether companies want to make incremental changes or achieve major transformations, Pinnacle Enterprises™ exemplify the way to success.
Maintaining a powerful employerbrand perception is critical for organizations to attract and retain top tech talent. The demand for tech talent continues to overwhelm the available supply despite recent layoffs, and this trend is expected to persist…