ACES Mobility Engineering Services – Provider Compendium 2023
Provider Compendium

25 Oct 2023
by Akshat Vaid, Nishant Udupa, Susmitha Devisetty, Gokul K, Sakthi Vishnu S, Akshat Dua

The automotive industry stands at an inflection point where global sustainability concerns, increasing consumer demands, and rapid technological advances are propelling rapid growth. In this dynamic landscape, the focus is shifting from conventional mobility solutions to creating a more captivating and immersive automotive experience. Automotive enterprises are eagerly embracing this transformative paradigm, as they strive to enhance customer experience and redefine the future of mobility. Major areas of investment include advancing autonomous technologies (L3 to L5 autonomy), fostering connected ecosystems through collaborations with various sectors, increasing investments and partnerships with technology participants for software-defined vehicles, and investing in electric, hybrid, and fuel cell technologies to address environmental concerns.

This compendium provides comprehensive and fact-based snapshots of 26 ACES (Autonomous, Connected, Electric, and Shared) automotive engineering services providers featured in the fourth edition of Everest Group’s ACES Automotive Engineering PEAK Matrix® Assessment. Each profile provides a comprehensive picture of the provider’s ACES automotive engineering services, key solutions offered, strategic partnerships and investments, performance in the market, and customer case studies. The report also presents our insights on enterprise sourcing considerations for each provider.


  • Industry: automotive 
  • Geography: global 


In this report, we provide: 

  • ACES Automotive Engineering Services PEAK Matrix® 2023
  • Key characteristics of Leaders, Major Contenders, and Aspirants
  • A summary dashboard capturing the relative assessment of providers’ vision and capabilities and market impact 
  • Providers’ strengths and limitations


Engineering Research and Development

Sourcing and Vendor Management


Page Count: 166