As enterprises embrace the next normal, it has become vital to invest in exponential technologies to remain competitive. This is particularly important given the rapid pace of technology obsolescence. However, the sheer number of technology developments occurring every day makes it difficult for enterprises, providers, and technology vendors to keep pace with the latest developments that affect their industry and prioritize investments in the most relevant areas.
In this report, Everest Group explores how enterprises have benefited from previous innovations and introduces the Tech Radar framework as a methodology to identify, track, and prioritize key investments in exponential technologies. The framework assesses the potential impact, market maturity, and unique proposition and alignment to the relevant industry of each technology, allowing enterprises to make informed investment decisions.
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In this report, we examine:
Significance of addressing present-day problems using future technologies
Phased Radar approach for industry-specific prioritization of technology investments
Aligning organizational structures and resources with the development of exponential technologies based on their maturity level
Considerations for senior leaders as they navigate the landscape of exponential technologies
Enterprises have identified Artificial Intelligence (AI) asa quintessential enabling layer in their digital transformations. As AI adoption increases, so does the concern for user data privacy, coupled with the need foran agency to safeguard it.…