Digital Workplace Services PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2022 – North America
PEAK Matrix® Report
6 Sep 2022
Udit Singh, Prabhneet Kaur, Tanwita Nimiar, Tanvi Rai
With enterprises focusing on digital transformation initiatives, the digital workplace services market underwent rapid recovery in 2021. It is expected to continue its strong growth trajectory in 2022, as enterprises attempt to drive maximum value from the hybrid work model, from recent workplace investments undertaken during the pandemic, and through partnership with a right-fit service provider.
The digital workplace market in North America has higher preference for shorter transformation timelines, agile work methodologies, and process optimization. Also, due to the recent Great Resignation Movement and a heightened talent war, there is a higher demand for employee experience-centric solutions and transformations within this region. Further, considering the maturity of this market, the propensity to adopt next-generation workplace offerings remains high.
In this research, we present an assessment of 25 digital workplace service providers featured on the Digital Workplace Services PEAK Matrix® Assessment – North America and highlight the strengths and limitations of each service provider.

- All industries and North America as location geography
- This assessment is based on PEAK Matrix® Group’s annual RFI process conducted over Q1 and Q2 2022, interactions with leading digital workplace service providers, and an analysis of the digital workplace services marketplace in the North American region.
Each service provider profile includes the following:
- A summary dashboard – assessment of market impact, and vision and capability
- Detailed strengths and limitations
Digital Workplace
Sourcing and Vendor Management
Page Count: 50
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