The pandemic drove the need for more virtual and digital interactions between life sciences enterprises and customers. Enterprises realized that life sciences-specific Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems were not built to inherently support virtual and digital engagements on a large scale. Additionally, enterprise interactions with target customers were not aligned with customer needs and preferences due to suboptimal customer data management and disparate engagement channels, among other platform limitations, leading to inconsistent customer experiences.
Customer experience has become a top priority for enterprises today and is pushing organizations to explore more experience-focused solutions/tools to augment traditional CRM functionalities. Life sciences enterprises are increasingly leveraging Customer Experience (CX) platforms that enhance the customer’s experience across interaction touchpoints using customer data management, content management, sales and marketing, and real-time analytics and insights.
In this research, we assess 18 life sciences CX platform providers featured on the Life Sciences Customer Experience Platforms PEAK Matrix®.
Industry: life sciences
Geography: global
The assessment is based on Everest Group’s annual RFI process for the calendar year 2022, interactions with leading life sciences CX platform providers, client reference checks, and an ongoing analysis of the life sciences customer experience platforms market
In this report, we:
Examine the provider landscape for CX platforms and products
Assess 18 life sciences CXP providers on several capability and market success-related dimensions
Amid the global COVID-19 pandemic, the Life Sciences (LS) industry faced unprecedented challenges that prompted the accelerated adoption of ITservices across its value chain. To ensure business continuity, LS enterprises swiftly embraced virtual…