Enterprises face challenges in generating optimum Return on Investment (RoI) from their technology investments due to difficulty in onboarding or training users, poor adoption rates, and sub-par user experiences. Digital Adoption Platforms (DAPs) can help overcome these challenges. However, as organizations undertake DAP deployments, it is essential for them to understand the various contours of the solution and service provider capabilities.
Everest Group surveyed 90+ DAP executives from multiple organizations, across buyer sizes and geographies, to understand the different dimensions that enterprises consider when partnering with DAP vendors. In particular, we examine the relevance/importance of product capabilities and the benefits achieved through DAP implementation.
Buyers can leverage this research to assess how their peers rate various capabilities, the functionalities to look for when choosing a DAP, and how DAP can help achieve their business objectives.
Area: DAP
All geographies and industries
This viewpoint shares the findings of a survey-based research project that Everest Group undertook to understand DAP capabilities that buyers value the most and the RoI they have derived from their DAP investments. We share:
An overview of our research methodology
A deeper understanding of organizations’ DAP objectives
Top DAP capabilities
Variations in DAP benefits based on organization size and DAP implementation stage
Buyers’ satisfaction levels and returns achieved based on the number of DAP deployments
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