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The global services market is highly dynamic and evolving rapidly, a reality that is reflected in the shift in priorities from cost arbitrage to automation. The third-party vendors are continually assessing their market position and refining their growth strategies. As enterprises explore various sourcing models to uncover additional value, it is imperative to evaluate new technology offerings and different pricing models. Everest Group’s Factbook and Primer research provide a holistic and integrated view of leading service providers to aid strategic decision making for both service providers and enterprises in this dynamic marketplace. These reports provide a fact-based view of leading service providers across multiple dimensions.
Factbook and Primer provides an ideal knowledge base for enterprises to study service providers as well as market evolution. These reports will provide readers with:
Detailed research on leading service providers and a fact-based analysis on the genesis of their establishment, drivers for growth, as well as the decision-making approach
Service providers’ history, their evolution, culture, strategy, performance, and outlook
Evaluation of service provider’s performance against peers across various spend categories
In this research, we analyze the leading service providers across the following parameters:
Executive Summary: summary of the service provider’s history, performance, and strategy over the years
Information Technology Services (ITS) and Business Process Services (BPS) Snapshot: view of the service provider's performance across Everest Group PEAK Matrix® reports in the ITS and BPS domain
Company overview: overview of the service provider’s evolution covering its establishment, financial performance, acquisitions, talent management, and delivery presence
Portfolio mix: details of service provider’s revenue performance across various parameters including revenue mix by services and geography
Deep-dive into ITS and BPS Segments featuring in Everest Group PEAK Matrix® reports: details of service provider’s performance and business plans to achieve its goals and sustain position in the industry
Priority focus and investment areas: assessment of focus areas for the company to grow its business further
Investment in digital services: details of service provider’s investment in the digital services to remain competitive in the industry
Appendix: covers service provider’s history of developments across various parameters
In addition to leveraging our research expertise of over 25 years, the factbook and primers are based on the following sources of information:
Organizations are leveraging cloud-native application development techniques to improve software development, with focus on development quality, deployment frequency, and qualityof software releases, to better align with business objectives. Cloud-n…