Connected Workplace - The Next Experience Frontier
15 Jan 2020
Ashwin Venkatesan, Udit Singh
The workplace construct is changing, and companies need to invest in relationships – both internal and external – to derive higher value today. The boundaries of the workplace are undergoing a metamorphosis, driven largely by changes in three areas:
Workforce demographics: The inclusion of millennials and gig workers in the workforce is creating a shift in stakeholder expectations – with stronger emphasis on flexibility, connectedness, ethics, and sustainability
Business models: Increasingly distributed models of business operations (remote working, shared offices, flexi-time, mobile working, etc.), are accompanied by an expectation of adaptable, seamless work experiences
Technology landscape: The technology landscape continues to evolve (immersive collaboration, AR/VR/MR, IoT/edge), with stakeholders expecting minimal lag in the introduction of consumerized experiences in professional environments
We are experiencing the emergence of the connected workplace – characterized by a steadfast focus on hyper-contextualized stakeholder experience in an increasingly blurred physical-digital workspace.
In this report we:
Explore workplace evolution and define the connected workplace concept
Establish experience as the focal point of the connected workplace design and explore business value principles
Explore use cases and technologies driving connected workplace adoption
Identify enterprise imperatives for a successful connected workplace strategy
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