Webinar Deck: The Latest Trends in IT Services – Four Prescriptions to Make Digital Real
7 Aug 2019
Chirajeet Sengupta, Abhishek Singh
On August 7, Everest Group hosted a webinar titled, “The Latest Trends in IT Services – Four Prescriptions to Make Digital Real.”
The IT services market is in a state of constant flux. Digital technologies, the explosion of data, and innovations in the technology startup ecosystem are changing thinking in the C-suite across industries. Based on our popular PEAK Matrix™ assessments, this webinar provides a view into the most important shifts taking place in sourcing of services and technologies. It offers the analysis and insights you need to make critical decisions about key elements of your digital services strategy.
In this 60-minute session, we’ll answer the following:
How are different industries approaching digital technology adoption?
What is digital and how does it differ from traditional IT services?
Where is growth in the IT services market expected to come from and how does that potentially inform your strategy?
On May 9, Everest Group hosted a webinar titled, "Outsourcing Pricing: Do You Know What You Don’t Know? (Key Trends Impacting Your Agreements)."
The webinar covered major disruptions, theimpactof geopolitical restrictions, and key commercial…