Webinar Deck: Corporate Resilience: Practical Approaches and New Management Mindsets
30 Apr 2020
Eric Simonson
On April 30, Everest Group moderated a webinar titled, "Webinar Deck: Corporate Resilience: Practical Approaches and New Management Mindsets."
Executive leaders across the global business community have quickly addressed the immediate needs of their organizations related to the COVID-19 crisis. Work-from-home is in place, productivity has reached near normal levels, and other immediate employee and client concerns are addressed. Now, as a result of the crisis, leaders face the opportunity to implement – and accelerate – visions that will future-proof and re-imagine their operating models and businesses.
In this webinar, we will share our collective insights on ways leaders can approach the opportunity ahead of them, which we’ve deemed “the great unsticking of new ideas,” and the technology that will help them realize breakthrough changes for the next normal.
Senior IT and business operations experts will gain expert insights and answers to questions such as:
How do you develop a clear strategy, gain corporate alignment, and effectively measure and assess success moving forward?
Is virtualization essential for business continuity? How do you virtualize more effectively using collaborative tools, cloud, and AI?
How do you effectively and practically establish a resilient mindset across the organization? How do you monitor employee engagement? How have various stakeholder expectations shifted? What previous norms should you challenge?
Our unique Key Issues in Global Sourcingreports are based on annual surveys that capture the pulse ofthemarket on major aspects ofthe global sourcing industry. This report presents the results of a study we conducted in October and November 2020…