Webinar Deck: Planning for 2024? What Service Provider Executives Should Know

26 Sep 2023
by Shirley Hung, Nitish Mittal, Akshat Vaid

As we approach the end of 2023, a year where uncertainty continued unabated, companies are beginning to think about annual planning, which for many, kicks off months before the year ends. Service providers, in particular, need to consider how the demand for their offerings will evolve in 2024 and where they should focus their time, attention, and investments to best serve this demand.

Watch this webinar to witness key analyst perspectives on the nature of the services market, what service providers may expect in the upcoming year, and how they can plan ahead.

What questions has the webinar answered for the participants?

  • What is the nature of the services market, and what can we expect going into 2024?
  • How will demand for services evolve in the new year?
  • How should service provider executives think about planning in this environment of prolonged uncertainty?

Page Count: 40