Webinar Deck: Output-Based Pricing in Application Services: Adoption in the As-a-Service Economy
17 Oct 2019
Abhishek Sharma, Achint Arora, Michel Janssen
On October 17, Everest Group hosted a webinar titled, "Output-Based Pricing in Application Services: Adoption in the As-a-Service Economy."
Despite decades of outsourcing experience, pricing models continue to be input-based, leaving little to no incentive for the sourcing teams to change or for service providers to propose new options. As the inexorable march toward the as-a-service economy continues, the input-based model is increasingly less effective in some areas. An output-based services consumption model is better suited to the overall cloudification of the IT estate.
In this session, Everest Group’s Pricing Assurance team leaders explore adoption of output-based models and offer insights on pitfalls to avoid if you’re considering this approach. We also introduce the different output-based benchmarks we see being contracted in IT application services.
Specifically, we answer these questions:
What are the distinct advantages of output-based pricing?
What key metrics are being tracked across application services engagements?
Where do we see early adoption of output-based pricing, and how should we drive behavior toward more widespread adoption?
What are the typical guardrails enterprises should have in place?
On May 9, Everest Group hosted a webinar titled, "Outsourcing Pricing: Do You Know What You Don’t Know? (Key Trends Impacting Your Agreements)."
Thewebinar covered major disruptions, theimpactof geopolitical restrictions, and key commercial…