Virtual Roundtable Discussion Deck: Impact Sourcing: Discovering Key Talent and Revitalizing Business Outcomes
Virtual Roundtable

2 May 2024

This Virtual Roundtable Discussion Summary is available for everyone. If you require more information or have questions, please contact us

Everest Group regularly organizes virtual sessions in which senior executives across enterprises share their experiences and opinions with colleagues in other organizations on hot industry topics or particularly challenging issues of the day.

By identifying previously untapped talent pools that can provide leverage in various roles across the outsourcing industry, impact sourcing can create both inward (business) and outward (social) impact for enterprises.

In this virtual roundtable, Everest Group experts and Sustainability Fellows spearheaded a discussion on strategically implementing an impact sourcing program into your business strategy, the required infrastructure, work policies, and most importantly, an effective partnership ecosystem. Collaborating with your peers, we explored the essential components required to create meaningful and deliberate impact within both the business and the broader community.


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