Innovation Watch: Generative AI Applications in Software Development
Innovation Watch Report

30 May 2024
by Alisha Mittal, Ankit Gupta, Manukrishnan SR

Gen AI technology is transforming software development by automating critical tasks, such as requirement analysis, code generation, code review, and documentation, driving the demand for gen AI tools.

This report assesses 14 providers that offer gen AI solutions to address software development use cases, positioning them on Everest Group Innovation Watch Assessment as Luminaries, Fast Followers, Influencers, and Seekers.


  • All industries and geographies
  • This report is based on Everest Group’s interactions with leading gen AI technology providers in the software development space and ongoing analysis of the software development market


In this report, we:

  • Position 14 gen AI solution providers on Everest Group Innovation Watch Assessment
  • Offer an overview of the providers’ gen AI solutions for software development use cases
  • Examine key business challenges in software development and gen AI’s impact in addressing them
  • Provide a framework to prioritize investments in gen AI use cases


Service Optimization Technologies (SOT)

Application Services

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Outsourcing Excellence


Page Count: 46