Virtual Roundtable Discussion Deck: Driving Growth: Evolving the GBS Role in Marketing Services
Virtual Roundtable

8 Aug 2023

This Virtual Roundtable Discussion Summary is available only to GBS / Shared Services Excellence members. For information on membership, please contact us

Everest Group regularly organizes virtual sessions where senior executives from enterprises convene to share experiences and network with colleagues in other organizations on hot industry topics or particularly challenging issues of the day.

The adoption of digital technologies has brought about a substantial transformation in marketing. However, support service delivery models have not kept pace with this change. GBS and GCC organizations can play a pivotal role in unlocking marketing efficiencies and benefits.


  • Process mining software products that are sold on license, irrespective of any ongoing business or IT process outsourcing or managed services
  • All industries and geographies
  • Assessment based on Everest Group’s annual RFI process for the calendar year 2022, interactions with leading process mining technology providers, client reference checks, and an ongoing analysis of the process mining market


In this virtual roundtable, our experts and attendees discuss the latest adoption trends in marketing services, including:

  • The vision for marketing services in GBS organizations
  • Key areas and enablers for future value creation
  • Futuristic operating and governance models
  • Critical success factors
  • Success stories from best-in-class peers

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