Positioning for Success: Pivot toward Managed Services Engagements

22 Jun 2022
by Priyanka Mitra, Varun Malik, Utkarsh Chaudhary

The challenge of finding skilled talent within the desired cost and timelines is not new. It has plagued talent acquisition efforts in the technology and healthcare verticals for quite some time. However, in the last couple of years, enterprises globally have been facing increasing difficulties in finding the right talent for almost all job roles, levels, and industries. Additionally, distorted labor pyramids, especially in North America and Europe, indicate that fewer working-age people are entering the workforce annually than those retiring. The pandemic has also triggered a series of changes in terms of where work is done, who does the work, and how it should be done. These changes have helped contingent workforce emerge as the next frontier for disruption and innovation in the talent space. Recognizing market needs, contingent staffing providers are looking to disrupt the space by pivoting to managed services or Statement of Work (SoW) based engagement models.

This report examines the key challenges necessitating this operating model shift among providers and the market opportunities for providers to tap into managed services models to serve rapidly evolving enterprise needs.


Domain: contingent staffing

All industries and geographies


This report examines:

  • Key challenges and threats for contingent staffing service providers
  • How staffing firms can unlock new growth opportunities by pivoting to managed services / SoW engagements
  • Key considerations and challenges for staffing service providers looking to shift to managed services / SoW engagements


Contingent Staffing

Sourcing and Vendor Management


Page Count: 15