Global Business Services as the Nerve Center for Enterprise Finance and Accounting Services
Market Report

25 Mar 2022
by Rohitashwa Aggarwal, Aditi Bansal, Meghna Rosa Thomas

Many organizations have adopted the global sourcing model to deliver corporate functions such as Finance & Accounting (F&A), human resources, procurement, legal, marketing, real estate, and supply chain management. These functions have different adoption maturity levels in Global Business Services (GBS) organizations. F&A, which was one of the first corporate functions to be delivered through the GBS model, accounts for the highest share of delivery and adoption maturity within GBS.

This report explores the various aspects of GBS delivery for F&A function and examines the adoption drivers, challenges, responses, and key locations leveraged for the delivery of F&A processes. It also evaluates adoption maturity across F&A processes.


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In this report, we study:

  • The F&A process map
  • GBS adoption and maturity across F&A services
  • Delivery locations
  • Emerging trends in F&A and GBS setup challenges
  • Levers for GBS leadership to further increase the value delivered from F&A centers



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