Future of Work From Home (WFH) in Global Business Services (GBS) Organizations
Executive Brief

19 Aug 2021
by Rohitashwa Aggarwal, Hisham Ahmed Rizvi

This Executive Brief is available only to GBS/ Shared Services members. For information on membership, please contact us

The Work From Home (WFH) experiment made necessary by COVID-19 has nudged global organizations to look beyond opportunistic leverage of WFH and integrate it in their future delivery models. As employee preferences and organizational imperatives evolve, GBS organizations must design a future proof WFH strategy and transform their management and leadership development models to enable a successful shift to future delivery models. In this executive brief, Everest Group analysts share the evolving outlook toward WFH, top concerns with WFH model, and six key elements to build a future ready WFH strategy for GBS organizations.

Note: Everest Group publishes executive briefs for senior executives from enterprises. These briefs address hot industry topics and particularly challenging issues of the day in an easy-to-digest format.


Page Count: 11