Cloud-native Application Development Services PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2020

Organizations are leveraging cloud-native application development techniques to improve software development and deployment cycles, deployment frequency, and the quality and relevance of software releases to enable better alignment with business objectives. These techniques have significantly supported both application end users and the application developers themselves. While enterprises' application landscape continues to be dominated by monolithic and legacy systems, new applications built on cloud-native principles have helped enterprises respond to customer needs and changing business scenarios more efficiently and quickly.

This report examines the global cloud-native application development service provider landscape, assesses 21 cloud-native application development service providers featured on Everest Group’s Cloud-native Application Development Services PEAK Matrix®, and categorizes them as Leaders, Major Contenders, and Aspirants.


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In this report, we focus on:

  • Everest Group’s Services PEAK Matrix® evaluation of 21 cloud-native application development service providers
  • Characteristics of Leaders, Major Contenders, and Aspirants in the service provider landscape
  • Key strengths and areas of improvement for each of the 21 cloud-native application development service providers featured on the assessment


Application Services