Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Annual Report 2019 – Laying the Foundation for a Light-touch Organization
26 Sep 2019
Amardeep Modi, Harpreet Kaur Makan
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a key enabler of enterprise automation. It is rapidly gaining traction across industries and geographies, as more and more enterprises become aware of its benefits: cost reduction, increased operational efficiencies and quality, increased workforce productivity, enhanced customer and employee experience, and quick time-to-value. The global RPA independent software vendor market surpassed US$1 billion in 2018, with over two-thirds of the revenue coming from software licenses. Encouraged by a growing number of success stories and word-of-mouth publicity, many enterprises, Global In-house Centers (GICs), and service providers are investing in RPA. However, RPA is a burgeoning market with technologies that are relatively new to many potential buyers in terms of product features, deployment options, training & support, partner ecosystem, and commercial models. The technologies are also evolving, with an expanding feature set and increasing richness of functionality. In this report, we take a detailed look at the RPA market, including market sizing and adoption trends, insights from buyer satisfaction surveys, key challenges in enterprise RPA journey, solution characteristics, technology trends, RPA vendor landscape, and outlook for 2019-2021.
- Coverage across over 22 RPA software vendors, including Another Monday, AntWorks, Automation Anywhere, AutomationEdge, Blue Prism, Datamatics, EdgeVerve, HelpSystems, Intellibot, Jacada, Jidoka, Kofax, Kryon, NICE, Nintex, Nividous, Pegasystems, Softomotive, Servicetrace, Thoughtonomy, UiPath, and WorkFusion
- RPA products that are sold on license and irrespective of any ongoing business or IT process outsourcing or managed services, were considered for this report
- Global surveys and one-on-one executive-level buyer interviews to understand how organizations perceive their RPA engagements
This report provides RPA buyers, RPA software vendors, and third-party enablers (service providers, system integrators, etc.) a detailed view of the RPA market, including:
- RPA market size and adoption trends
- Buyer expectations
- Enterprise RPA journey – challenges and best practices
- RPA solution characteristics
- RPA technology trends
- RPA vendor landscape
- Outlook for 2019-2021
Some of the findings are:
- The global RPA independent software vendor market surpassed US$1 billion in 2018, with over two-thirds of the revenue coming from software licenses
- RPA software licenses accounted for about 68% of the overall RPA technology vendor market in 2018 and stood at over US$700 million, clocking an year-over-year growth of over 100%. It is expected to grow at 2018-2020 CAGR of 70-85%
- RDA / attended RPA witnessed increased traction in 2018 and RDA adoption is expected to continue its growth trend
- North America continues to lead with lion’s share of the market, however, Asia Pacific region accounted for the highest growth with increasing acceptance of RPA by countries such as Japan
- India has fast emerged as a talent hotspot for RPA, accounting for the largest share of RPA technology vendor FTEs
- Ease of use for robot development emerged as one of the most important buying criteria for RPA
- A majority of enterprises are still in the early stages of RPA adoption due to challenges faced while scaling-up
- Buyers generally have a high satisfaction level with RPA vendors, but they expect the vendors to improve their analytics and AI capabilities
- Automation Anywhere, Blue Prism, and UiPath are the top vendors in terms of RPA license revenue, closely followed by NICE. Pegasystems leads in terms of revenue from attended RPA (RDA) licenses
Service Optimization Technologies (SOT)
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