Buyer Satisfaction with Robotic Process Automation (RPA) – How Far or Close is Reality from Hype?
13 Jul 2018
Amardeep Modi, Ranjith Reddy
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has the potential to offer key benefits such as improved speed & accuracy, enhanced customer experience, and reduced cost,
among others. Moreover, this value is realized quickly, as deployments are rapid and low risk, since integration is typically non-invasive and easily remediable.
Therefore, many enterprises and global service providers are investing in RPA. However, RPA is a burgeoning market with technologies that are relatively new to many
potential buyers in terms of solution features, deployment models, supporting frameworks, and commercial aspects. The technologies are also evolving, with an expanding
feature set and increasing richness of functionality.
In this study, we analyze the buyer satisfaction/feedback with their RPA product/vendor across various dimensions:
- Key buyer drivers/objectives for RPA adoption
- Buyer satisfaction with the products/vendors in meeting objectives
- Buyer satisfaction with products’/vendors’ capabilities across various capability dimensions and subdimensions
- Key strengths and areas of improvements as cited by the buyers
Scope of this research
- Products: Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
- Geography: Global
- Technology vendors: 18 leading RPA technology vendors
- Buyers: Feedback from 49 enterprise buyers
Some of the key findings are:
- While cost and operational impact continue to be the primary drivers for RPA adoption, as opposed to strategic/business impact drivers, improving customer experience is fast emerging as another key driver
- The overall satisfaction of vendors remained high over the last three years, and there was an increase in the satisfaction level in 2017
- Average buyer satisfaction with cost and operational impact of RPA is high, while there is significant scope to improve satisfaction on strategic/business impact areas
- Buyers, on an average, are satisfied with the RPA capabilities of their vendors. There is significant scope for the vendors to add vertical- / function -specific capabilities
- Vendors need to focus on providing scalable solutions with higher ease of running and maintenance of robots to improve overall satisfaction with their capabilities
Service Optimization Technologies (SOT)
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