Webinar Deck: Decoding Supplier Relationship Management Technologies: What are the Best-in-class Functionalities and Features?
27 Feb 2024
Bhanushee Malhotra, Amit Lad, Akash Thunga
Enterprises are increasingly focusing on transforming supplier management activities through digital adoption to improve efficiency and relationships. However, the supplier management technology landscape is complex. Technology providers have varying capabilities and focus areas within the supplier management space, making it difficult for enterprises to choose and implement.
In this webinar, our analysts unpacked how enterprises can better understand the supplier relationship management (SRM) technology landscape and highlight the best-in-class functionalities and features.
What questions did the webinar answer for the participants?
What does the SRM technology landscape currently look like?
What are the best-in-class functionalities and features that enterprises should look for when adopting an SRM tool?
What does a high-level assessment of the functionality and solutioning elements of various technology providers offering SRM tools entail?
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