Automation: The Next Big Disruptor in Contact Center Outsourcing (CCO)

Automation is emerging as one of the disruptive forces in the CCO market, which is set to change the operating models of key stakeholders in the industry. The role and scope of contact centers have widened on account of increasing expectations from the new-generation customers to connect with brands at the time and through the channel of their choice, and for notably enhanced consumer experience. To embrace this change, CCO clients are actively looking for new technologies that would enable them to achieve balance between cost-to-serve and customer experience. They often turn to their CCO providers to help them navigate these new waters.

Today, breakthrough innovations in automation-enabling technologies such as machine learning and natural language processing have generated significant interest in CCO to address the evolving complexities in the customer experience landscape and create differentiation. In order to thrive in this disruptive change, service providers are under pressure to evolve their capabilities in assisting buyers to identify strategic opportunities around automation.

This study draws insights from Everest Group’s existing research and combines them with recent service provider and buyer interactions to deep dive into automation adoption in CCO, analysing the current scenario and implications for stakeholders. The key topics discussed in the study include:

  • Evolution of Service Delivery Automation (SDA) in CCO market
  • Types of available CCO automation solutions and benefits
  • Automation adoption drivers, challenges, and use cases
  • Service delivery landscape for SDA in CCO
  • Impact and implications for CCO service providers
  • CCO buyer considerations


Contact Center Outsourcing