Salesforce Industry Cloud Services PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2023

PEAK Matrix® Report

While early adopters of Salesforce services were looking to effectively manage customer relationships, market targeted products, explore sales performance, and drive cost efficiencies, enterprises today seek superior customer engagement and faster RoI from their Salesforce investments. To serve this need, Salesforce has introduced industry cloud products and augmented its capabilities by acquiring Vlocity, a leading provider of industry-specific cloud and mobile software. IT service providers are increasingly making tuck-in acquisitions to plug gaps across their Salesforce services portfolios and enhance their geographic footprints.

In this report, we assess 16 Salesforce providers and position them on the Salesforce Industry Cloud Services PEAK Matrix®. The research will help buyers select right-fit providers for their needs, while providers will be able to benchmark themselves against each other.


  • The assessment is based on Everest Group’s annual RFI process for the calendar year 2022, interactions with leading providers, client reference checks, and an ongoing analysis of the Salesforce Industry Cloud services market
  • All industries and geographies


This report features detailed assessments, including strengths and limitations, of 16 providers with a focus on their Salesforce Industry Cloud services.


Enterprise Platform Services (EPS)

Sourcing and Vendor Management