Digital Product Engineering Service Provider Compendium 2022: Bridging the Chasm between the Physical and Digital Worlds

Provider Compendium Report

Technology has become crucial to both product engineering and the delivery of high-quality customer experiences amid cutthroat competition among industries. To cater to customer needs and develop connected, smart, and autonomous products, enterprises are investing in next-generation digital technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) / Machine Learning (ML), Augmented Reality (AR) / Virtual Reality (VR), 5G, blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), and cybersecurity. However, the rapid pace of innovation, unavailability of digital talent at scale, and the need to stay ahead of market trends necessitate a compelling partnership ecosystem that can accelerate enterprises’ time-to-market.

To address this growing demand, engineering service providers are enhancing their capabilities and offerings to unlock the potential of data from connected products, integrate multiple technologies for a better user experience, and engineer technologically sound digital products.

This report examines the dynamics of the digital product engineering service provider market and presents detailed profiles of 30 leading engineering service providers featured on Everest Group’s Digital Product Engineering Services PEAK Matrix® assessment. Each profile provides a comprehensive picture of the service provider’s focus on digital product engineering services, key Intellectual Property (IP) / solutions, buyer case studies, partnerships, and domain investments. The report also includes our insights on enterprise sourcing considerations for each service provider.


  • Industry: ER&D / Engineering services
  • Geography: global
  • This study is based on RFI responses from service providers, interactions with their digital product engineering leadership, client reference checks, and an ongoing analysis of the engineering services market


This report features 31 digital product engineering service provider profiles, each of which includes:

  • Key strengths and limitations of each of the 30 digital product engineering services providers featured in our PEAK Matrix® assessment
  • An overview of the providers’ digital product engineering services business and offerings – vision & strategy, revenue across industry verticals, geographies, value chain elements, and digital product engineering projects by buyer sizes
  • An assessment of case studies, IP/solutions, partnerships, and domain investments


Engineering Services

Sourcing and Vendor Management