Cybersecurity Services PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2024 – North America
PEAK Matrix® Report

13 Sep 2024
by Kumar Avijit, Shivraj Borade, Arjun Chauhan, Prabhjyot Kaur, Shivam Naidu

The increasing reliance on digital technologies has driven a significant rise in robust cybersecurity services’ demand in North America. Cloud computing, IoT devices, and remote work’s rapid adoption has expanded the attack surface for cybercriminals, making organizations more vulnerable to sophisticated threats such as data breaches and ransomware. This has created urgent challenges such as skilled professionals’ shortage and strict regulatory requirements for enterprises.

Providers are developing advanced cybersecurity solutions, such as AI-driven threat detection, zero trust, secure access service edge, gen AI security, quantum security, and autonomous security operations center, to combat these challenges. They are also investing in talent development and automation to address the skill gap. As the digital landscape evolves, the focus on proactive and adaptive security measures is expected to drive continued growth in cybersecurity.

In this research, we assess 30 North American cybersecurity providers, featured on the Cybersecurity Services PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2024. The assessment is based on Everest Group’s annual RFI process for the calendar year 2024, interactions with leading cybersecurity providers, client reference checks, and the cybersecurity services market’s ongoing analysis.


  • Industry: all-encompassing industries worldwide
  • Geography: North America


In this report, we examine:

  • Cybersecurity Services PEAK Matrix® characteristics in North America
  • Enterprise sourcing considerations
  • Providers’ key strengths and limitations in North America



Sourcing and Vendor Management


Page Count: 58