Multi-Process HRO (MPHRO) Service Provider Profile Compendium


The Multi-Process HRO (MPHRO) Service Provider Profile Compendium is a companion to Everest Group's latest study, Multi-Process HRO (MPHRO) Service Provider Landscape and Capability Assessment. This compendium provides accurate, comprehensive, fact-based snapshots of 19 service providers in the multi-process HR outsourcing marketplace. This report also provides insights into the HRO service provider landscape and identifies key implications for buyers and service providers.

This compendium of profiles tracks 19 HRO service providers including Accenture, ACS, ADP, Aon Hewitt, Caliber Point, Capgemini, Capita, Ceridian, Genpact, HCL, HP, IBM, Infosys, Logica, Neeyamo, NorthgateArinso, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Wipro, and Xchanging.

Everest assessment 


Each service provider profile provides the following HRO specific details:

  • Company overview
  • Multi-process HRO experience
  • Number of clients signed to date (November 2010)
  • Annual Contract Value (ACV) as of November 2010
  • Major publicly announced clients
  • Market segment focus and technology platforms supported
  • Recent HRO-related developments/announcements
  • Key HRO delivery locations
  • Revenue (ACV) share distribution by vertical and geography
  • Number of multi-process HRO FTEs in key regions
  • Multi-process HRO service suite

The objective of this compendium is to provide key stakeholders a snapshot of the offerings and capabilities of the 19 major HRO service providers that have signed at least one multi-process deal. While service providers will be able to benchmark their areas of strength and those of development vis-à-vis other service provider in the marketplace, buyers and potential buyers of HRO will be able to assess the service providers with desired set of capabilities.