High-quality Curated Data: Scaling Up AI Using a Data-centric Approach


Driven by the exponential growth of data and the impact of the pandemic, enterprises have rapidly adopted Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a strategic tool to gain a competitive edge and enhance their business models. Recognizing its potential, they seek to leverage AI to reduce dependency on human workforce and unlock new revenue streams while cutting costs. As a result, enterprises are striving to develop improved AI tools and technologies. However, implementing AI has its own set of challenges such as availability of high-quality curated data and responsible AI implementation.

In this report, we discuss the importance of high-quality curated data in the success of enterprises’ AI initiatives. We explore different aspects of preparing high-quality data such as data annotation, using synthetic data when real data is insufficient, incorporating a human-in-the-loop approach, and ensuring data inclusivity and mitigation of biases. Additionally, the report examines emerging trends in AI data services that enterprise should consider before making implementation decisions.


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In this report, we examine:

  • AI / Machine Learning (ML) life cycle
  • Features and benefits of data annotation and labeling
  • Importance of AI-assisted data annotation and synthetic data
  • Human workforces’ role in the AI life cycle
  • Data annotation and labeling services ecosystem
  • Emerging trends in AI data services


Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Sourcing and Vendor Management