Cyber without Perimeters: Starting Your Zero-trust Journey with Identity


Enterprises are concerned about rising cyberattacks, growing regulations, and a widespread digital presence. In some cases, a single cyberattack could lead to bankruptcy. Zero trust offers solutions to many cybersecurity concerns, but some enterprises that have started their zero-trust journey have not made much progress in recent years.

In this viewpoint, we explore the identity-based zero-trust approach in detail and provide a maturity assessment framework to help enterprises understand their current position and how they can progress in their zero-trust journey. Additionally, the report highlights the benefits of zero trust, such as improved employee experience, reduced legacy technical debt, decreased third-party risks, and improved compliance.


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In this report, we examine:

  • The growth of zero trust
  • Starting an identity-based zero-trust journey
  • Zero-trust maturity assessment framework
  • Enterprise adoption of zero trust across different industries
  • Key considerations for implementing zero-trust strategies



Sourcing and Vendor Management