Global Business Services (GBS) State of the Market 2023: Onward and Upward

State of the Market Report

25 Sep 2023
Deborah Kops
Rohitashwa Aggarwal
Anish Agarwal
Shivani Singh

This report is available only to GBS/ Shared Services Excellence members. For information on membership, please contact us

Global companies have built strong GBS model over the last three decades, with more than 7,500 GBS organizations forming an extensive network across geographies and industries, offering a diverse set of capabilities across core operations, IT, and corporate functions.

Events of the past few years such as COVID-19, talent shortages, economic pressures, and supply-chain disruptions, have created immense pressure on global organizations. Despite these, the GBS model has been instrumental in helping to meet the resulting challenges through cost optimization, continuous improvement, transformation, and innovation initiatives. This intersection of rising demand and increasing capability puts the GBS model at an inflection point, creating an opportunity to break through boundaries to firmly root itself as a strategic partner to their enterprises.

In this report, we leverage Everest Group’s proprietary GBS database, the industry’s most comprehensive database covering more than 7,500 GBS centers, to provide an in-depth analysis of the state of the GBS market in 2023. We identify key trends, associated opportunities and challenges of the GBS market, and success-driving initiatives that leading GBS organizations are implementing.


  • Industry: all
  • Geography: offshore/nearshore regions


In this report, we examine:

  • State of the GBS market in 2023
  • Key challenges for GBS organizations
  • Success-driving initiatives that leading GBS organizations are implementing

