Rising Adoption of Home-based Healthcare Solutions

Market Report

Home-based healthcare is gaining relevance within the healthcare industry. With evolving customer expectations, improved technological stack, and enhanced focus on patient and member experience, home-based healthcare is emerging as a dominant sector. Providers too, are looking forward to delivering care remotely, as it enables them to deliver quality at a reduced cost, which enhances their operating margins as well. A critical aspect of home-based healthcare is patient data. With remote patient monitoring, the sources for capturing volumes of patient data have increased. This has a flip side too, as the challenge of consolidating patient data, processing it, and ensuring data security and privacy has resulted in increased complexity in the application of home-based healthcare.

Adoption trends for home-based healthcare have been quite dynamic across the patient spectrum. While primary care has received a boost as it has seen major growth within home-based healthcare adoption, wellness and lifestyle tracking adoption is still in nascent stages. Streamlining home-based healthcare delivery is another important aspect wherein the major healthcare enterprises have looked forward to forging strategic partnerships with technology and service providers to enhance care delivery to patients.

Technology has played a critical role in the growth of home-based healthcare with the key focus being on data management, data analytics, and business intelligence. For providers, there are four critical areas of focus, which are care coordination, patient administration, care delivery, and essential management.

This Market report provides comprehensive coverage of the current trends within the home-based healthcare market and highlights how technology is becoming an enabler for the home-based healthcare market. The market report will enable providers to keep track of the technological opportunities within the home-based health market, thus staying aligned with the home-based healthcare industry.


  • Industry: healthcare
  • Geography: global
  • Services: home-based healthcare


In this report, we:

  • Assess the growing home-based healthcare market, covering the major market drivers, inhibitors, opportunities for service providers, and the ecosystem for home-based healthcare
  • Provide current market analysis of the home-based healthcare market, strategic partnerships within the ecosystem, and major adoption trends across of home-based healthcare across the care spectrum


Healthcare Payer and Provider Information Technology

Sourcing and Vendor Management