Care Management Trailblazers

Market Report

COVID-19 significantly impacted care management technology adoption for healthcare payers and providers. They recognized the importance of leveraging technology to ensure continuous care while reducing transmission risk. The pandemic highlighted the value of data analytics and population health management for understanding disease trends and identifying high-risk populations. By leveraging data-driven approaches, healthcare payers and providers can allocate resources, personalize treatment plans, and address the needs of vulnerable patient groups, thereby improving patient outcomes and healthcare system resilience.

Care management technology enables data collection, analysis, and visualization, empowering effective response and resource allocation during COVID-19. Technology solutions are vital for seamless collaboration among stakeholders in care coordination and communication. Patient-centered care models have also gained traction with technology enabling patient engagement and access to resources. Overall, the pandemic accelerated the adoption of care management technology, transforming healthcare delivery and emphasizing the importance of leveraging technology to meet the evolving needs of patients, providers, and payers.

In this report, we assess start-ups that offer dedicated care management services, software, and solutions, focusing on their core capabilities and market impact.


  • Industry: healthcare
  • Geography: global


In this report, we:

  • Discuss payers and providers’ care management adoption levels
  • Examine the drivers in the care management market
  • Introduce a framework to evaluate high-potential start-ups in the care management market
  • Highlight the trailblazers in care management, including their assessment, leaderboard, and profiles


Healthcare Payer and Provider Information Technology

Sourcing and Vendor Management