Supplier Management Technologies – Adoption Trends


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Organizations prioritize efficient supplier management to ensure business continuity, consistency, and quality. Various stakeholders play vital roles in supplier life cycle activities such as onboarding, risk management, performance management, governance, and collaboration. Traditionally, organizations relied on manual processes and spreadsheets for supplier management. However, with advancing technologies, many organizations now create roadmaps for best-of-breed and purpose-built solutions to manage suppliers. Adoption of these tools/solutions varies across supplier management activities, depending on factors such as complexity, ease of transition, integration ability, and stakeholder accessibility.

In this report, we assess technology adoption in supplier management across organizations, while understanding organizational transformation through digital adoption and the challenges encountered in this journey. The report establishes a framework for the supplier management technology solutions space, details how these solutions enable organizational transformation throughout the supplier life cycle, and identifies factors that help achieve desired outcomes with technology adoption.


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In this report, we:

  • Examine the supplier life cycle management technology landscape
  • Discuss supplier management tools/technology adoption trends
  • Study challenges and success factors in adopting supplier management tools