Process Orchestration State of the Market 2023 – Update

State of the Market Report

Everest Group defines process orchestration as software that enables business users to design, manage, and monitor end-to-end business processes. It includes key capabilities, such as process modeling, managing business rules, designing user interfaces for capturing/presenting data, overseeing hybrid (human + digital) workforce management, and providing process-related insights. The process must orchestrate the flow of work across workers (such as robotic process automation, intelligent document processing, and conversational AI) and enterprise applications in long-running workflows.

In this report, we analyze the process orchestration market for buyers, software providers, and third-party enablers (including providers and system integrators). The report offers a comprehensive view across various dimensions, including market size and adoption trends, buyer expectations, key barriers to adoption, and best practices. The analysis covers solution characteristics, product capabilities and trends, the technology provider landscape, and the outlook for 2024.


  • Process orchestration software products that are sold on license, irrespective of any ongoing business or IT process outsourcing or managed services
  • All industries and geographies


  • In this report, we examine:Market size and adoption trends across buyer geography, industry, and business function
  • Buyer expectations including key barriers to adoption and best practices
  • Process orchestration solution characteristics and key product capabilities and trends
  • Process orchestration provider landscape
  • Outlook for 2024


Service Optimization Technologies (SOT)

Sourcing and Vendor Management