A Primer on the Sustainability Software Provider Landscape: the Role of Technology in Driving Sustainability Momentum

Market Report

Since the pandemic, the focus on enterprise sustainability has significantly increased. Consumers are becoming more environmentally and socially conscious, and regulations are constantly changing across geographies. As a result, enterprises are being compelled to take measures to become more sustainable.

Embracing sustainability not only improves brand reputation but also helps to retain and expand the customer base, leading to increased profits in the long run. While enterprises understand the importance of sustainability, they may lack the necessary expertise and capabilities to fully embrace it. Hence, they are extensively collaborating with sustainability technology providers to accelerate their sustainability journeys. These technology providers help enterprises to monitor their Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) data, streamline ESG reporting, create sustainability roadmaps, generate more inclusive and safe workplaces, reduce carbon footprints, integrate circular economy principles into their production processes, and address other sustainability use cases.

In this report, we take a software-oriented approach to examine the sustainability technology landscape. The report focuses on seven major categories of sustainability enablement technology participants, including ESG data management and reporting platforms, ESG data providers, Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) software, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) software, sustainable supply chain solutions, and sustainable IT.


All industries and geographies


In this report, we:

  • Assess seven major categories of sustainability enablement technology participants
  • Examine providers’ key value proposition and scope of solutions
  • Provide a detailed outlook on market trends and other relevant information


Sustainability Technology and Services

Sourcing and Vendor Management